Armlock Putting

June 4, 2021 / Media, News

Arm Lock Putting
Dr Paul Hurrion – Quintic Consultancy Ltd – June 2021

The anchoring rule states that while making a stroke, a player may not anchor the club (i) “directly” or (ii) indirectly through use of an “anchor point.” Since nothing is anchored to the butt of the putter grip, the arm lock putting style is completely legal and conforms to the Rules of Golf (R&A / USGA)


What is Arm Lock Putting?

  • While it may look odd to some, using an arm lock putter can be extremely effective for players who are ‘handsy’ and may even have the ‘yips’ on the putting green. The arm lock putter reduces your ability to move your hands during the putting stroke? However does it…
  • The idea of “change” to a golfer is often a no go area, especially in putting, as the are often traditional, a player likes repetition and routine.
  • To change a putting style that you have been accustomed to since you took up the game would be unheard of for many golfers.
  • And let’s admit – it does look a little strange!!!



  • 2D Quintic Biomechanics (100fps video analysis)
  • 4 Cameras
  • Quintic Putting Report
  • Quintic Ball Roll v4.4 720fps
  • 3 Putter used – details below
  • I was the subject for the data collected – Putted all my life conventional style, the data from the Arm Lock putters was the results of a number of hours practice.

i) Standard Length 34” EvenRoll2 (Blade) 340gm HW P2 Grip 3°Loft  68.5° Lie
ii) Arm Lock EvnRoll2 39” Length Super Stroke Armlock Grip 1.0 8.5°Loft  68.5° Lie
iii) Arm Lock – Midlock Grip EvnRoll ER5 (Hatchback) 370gms HW  39” Length  4.5°Loft  68.5° Lie

Experiment 1 : i vs ii            Experiment 2 : ii vs iii

Biomechanical Analysis

  • 2D Quintic Biomechanics (100fps video analysis) 4 Camera Synchronised. Infra red camera and lighting enables the automatic tracking of the 10-point template. Data is reported via the QuinticPutting Report


  • 2D Quintic Biomechanics (100fps video analysis) IR Light – 10 Point Putting Template


  • 2D Quintic Biomechanics (100fps) Quintic Putting Report – over 100 parameters measured


* Experiment 1: Quintic Ball Roll (i) Red = Standard Putter (ii) Blue = Armlock – SuperStroke Grip

Min, Max, Average, Std Deviation and Range


* Experiment 2 : (iii) Red = Armlock Midlock Grip (ii) Blue = Armlock – SuperStroke Grip


Key Findings : Reasons for using an Arm Lock Putter?

  • The arm lock (AL) putting style has the putter remaining “locked” to the golfer’s lead forearm throughout the entire putting stroke. This reduced the movement (distance travelled) of the pivot point when using AL method.
  • The AL putter minimizes your ability to move your hands during the putting stroke (i.e. decrease in putter head rotation) -44°/sec closer rate with a standard putter and grip to -31 to -24°/sec with standard AL and a further reduction to -22°/sec with the EvnRoll Midlock grip… a 50% reduction in face rotation.



  • With the putter held against the lead forearm, it creates a bracing effect that keeps the putter head from rotating during impact and through the stroke. The range of putter head rotation decreased with AL style grips. More repeatable! The ability of your trail hand to apply pressure to the butt-end of the grip to ensure the grip maintains contact with your lead forearm can only help explain the reduction in face rotation.
  • The putting stroke is controlled through the shoulders / torso while keeping your head still. Reduced movement of the sternum and head during the putting stroke, resulted in a more consistent ball speed with the AL style putters.
  • Head Displacement Address to Impact



  • When your arm lock putter is secured against your forearm, the proper loft (significantly higher static loft than when in standard posture) can be achieved and repeated under pressure. Data from Quintic Ball Roll showed an improvement in consistency for ball launch angle when using the AL putting method.



  • The player will always keep their hands ahead of the putter head through the stroke naturally. This will help create an upward attack angle (ensuring correct ball position) allowing the ball to roll smoothly off the club face with better topspin and consistency. The data supports a more consistent forward roll from the AL style putters (lower range). This is due to a more consistent pivot point and ball launch angle.


With a 50% reduction in face rotation, this is very significant for holing putts inside 20ft when under pressure…